IZB Annual General Meeting 2022

Over the last year, challenging conditions such as the negative double digit inflation rate, unpredictable currency rates, and weak GDP growth have reaffirmed the importance of our remaining adaptable and focused in our pursuit of our strategic objectives. We focused on striking the appropriate balance between exploring new opportunities and expanding in areas where we already excel. I am glad to announce another year of strong performance in accordance with established expectations, resulting in the continuation of cash returns to shareholders. This performance illustrates our strategies success amid a difficult operating environment and challenging industry dynamics. We placed a premium on developing innovative products, investing in digital platforms, and guaranteeing brand loyalty through great service, all while prudently managing our cash resources.

Our consumers and employees have been critical contributors to this success. Despite the lingering global health threats posed by COVID-19, our employees have remained fully committed to serving our customers diverse needs, implementing appropriate solutions that minimize physical contact while maintaining the high standards of service our customers have come to expect from the Bank.

While the worldwide pandemic provided an opportunity for innovation, new dangers are emerging that necessitate a robust control environment, increased resource allocation to emerging risks, and enhanced business intelligence. I am pleased that our Shareholders continue to support the Banks earnings retention plan, which gives us the confidence to meet these new objectives on a consistent basis.

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