Indo Zambia Bank Sponsors Kafue Celtic Football Club.

Indo Zambia Bank Limited is proud to officially unveil its sponsorship Package to KCFC following the club’s promotion into the elite football league of the country. As a Bank, we have been keenly following the remarkable progress of this football club and found that its aspirations resonate with our Brand Values and this convergence in the philosophy and sense of national duty has culminated into this sponsorship partnership being witnessed today.

As you may all be aware, Indo Zambia Bank’s Brand promise is Supporting You Developing Zambia which demands a call to national duty beyond Banking. Over the past 37 years of our existence, we have demonstrated our commitment to society through initiatives such as rendering support to start up SMEs, Self Help Groups at the grassroot level of our society, recruitment of fresh young graduates from our universities, opening of branches in rural and unbanked areas of the country. The bank has also been a reliable partner in supporting the country development initiatives in agriculture, health, manufacturing, tourism and mining having deployed over K3.1 Billion as on date in financing support to these growth sectors of the economy.

The Indo Zambia Bank and KCFC partnership brings together a formidable force of a world class local Bank in IZB and a talented local football team which has fought its way into the Premier League and produced talent which has been exported from Zambia to the European league. We as IZB are therefore convinced that this partnership will add significant value to our society and are happy to unveil our USD$30,000 Platinum Sponsorship Package to KCFC for the Premier League Season 2021/2022.

We believe our sponsorship will not only support the performance of the club but shall also support the club’s development initiatives such as the plan to build an academy aimed at nurturing more talent as well as offering educational opportunities to young players with the aim of developing and progressing them in the game with Kafue Celtic or other senior clubs locally and internationally.

Just like our partner KCFC is in the Premier League of the football league, IZB is also in the Premier League of the Zambian Banking Industry and has products and services for every sphere of our society. Whereas we have invested considerably in Technology, we have not lost our human touch and pride ourselves in long term intimate relationships with our customers and consistent with our Brand Promise of Supporting You, Developing Zambia, we are not only supporting businesses and individuals to succeed in reaching their financial goals but are also enabling the best and convenient banking experience for our customers with our Indo Mobile Banking and Indo Net Banking and next month we shall be empowering the community with the Indo Agency Banking facility while our Indo digital accounts will ensure the access to a bank account for ALL. IZB therefore, is and shall remain the Bank of Choice.

Finally, I wish KCFC every success during the season and believe that the sponsorship we have unveiled today will propel you to being a Winning Team and a top performer in the league. Please be assured of our long haul support with only one condition which is that you perform well and win but never loose sight of our shared values of service to our nation.

Mr Kowdichar Shashindar,

Managing Director.

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